The Autonomous Authority of Colca and Annexes, AUTOCOLCA, is a public entity with legal personality of internal public law, created by Law No. 24521 dated June 6, 1986, its amendment Law No. 28537 of June 2, 2005, and its regulations approved by Supreme Decree No. 004-88-ICTI/TUR. Currently, it is affiliated with the Provincial Municipality of Caylloma by Regional Ordinance No. 141-Arequipa.


The Autonomous Authority of Colca and Annexes is the public institution responsible for promoting, organizing, and managing the growth and consolidation of tourism in the area, as a means to achieve economic development, improving the quality of life for both the current and future regional population, rescuing, revaluing, and conserving cultural and natural heritage as pillars of tourism; through management that promotes institutional consolidation, collaboration, and education, with active participation from all stakeholders in the tourism industry.


We envision ourselves as a leading institution with global level of competence in the promotion of tourism of the Colca Valley, Salinas and Aguada Blanca Circuit, and the Valley of the Volcanoes. We offer a high-quality tourist product to increase the influx of domestic and international tourists, thus contributing to improving the economy and quality of life for the residents of the tourism circuit.




Legislative Resolutions


Wchich Declares of national interest and public necessity the promotion and development of the Colca and Annexes area.

Modification of 
Law 24521

Bye Law Nro.28537

Regulations under Law 24521

Which establishes the Authority of the 'Colca Canyon, Salinas, Aguada Blanca, and Valley of the Volcanoes Tourist Circuit



Green Destinations

Silver Awards

ITB Berlin

Leading Trade Fair 
of the Global Tourism Industry

Endorsed by the World Travel
and Tourism Council

 Tourist Resource - Colca Valley
at Hierarchy Level 4

The first World Geopark in Peru and
the third in South America. 

International Network of
Global Geoparks

About us

During the 2023-2026 AUTOCOLCA management period, our main objective is to solidify our position as leaders promoting tourism in the region. We have implemented effective strategies to enhance tourism infrastructure, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all our visitors..
We are strengthening our ties with local communities and stakeholders, promoting responsible and sustainable tourism. Our dedication to the conservation of cultural and natural heritage has been the cornerstone of all our efforts, ensuring that future generations can also enjoy the beauty and richness of our environment
We look to the future with optimism and determination, firmly believing that responsible and sustainable tourism will be the driving force behind the development of our beloved region and its surroundings. Our commitment to sustainable growth and well-being of all involved motivates us to continue working diligently to provide memorable and enriching tourism experiences.


​We are here to listen to you. At Autocolca, we value your feedback, questions, and suggestions. Please contact us through this form. If you prefer direct communication, you can also reach us by  phone or e-mail.We will be delighted to assist you.

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